This Weathered Woman

Look into the eyes, of this weathered woman.

She has seen much and her eyes reflect.

They reflect calm like a still pond

and they reflect weary wanderings.

They reflect truth

and they reflect lies believed.

She has endured much

like an old tree.

The storms,

the droughts,

the waiting,

the dancing,

the longing to see.

To climb higher and to reach up

to the heavenly and the stars.

Yet stay grounded, in the dirt and the rock bed and the sacredness of the roots entwined with another.

Under cover of mystery they touch

and exchange the nourishment.

This weathered woman

has known sorrow,

that bowed her down and drained her blood.

She has known death

in her very marrow

and life

in her very body.

She has known very little peace,

with much fighting and harsh words throughout her life

and much judgment upon her beating heart.

Yet she can still laugh and look up and be grateful.

This weathered woman.

She has rest in her now

that cannot be denied.

Her words are less,

her dreams are few.

She knows the quiver of her spirit

has become still as it listens more and talks less.

She lives and gives for the children of the earth,

she lives and gives for the future.

She lays back and thanks God for her present

as she embraces her bonus days and she knows her promise.

Her faith waits